30+ Free Boostrap Resume Templates 2020

30+ Free Boostrap Resume Templates 2020

Boostrap Resume Templates Are Looking for free Resume Templates , you have come to right place .We have to list 30+ Free Boostrap Resume Templates 2020 to help you out.

Clark Resume Templates

If you looking a free bootstrap resume templates with a dark theme layout, this template will suitable you.On the clean dark layout, the texts and images are clearly visible, plus, the creator has made the animation effects swift and smooth to give a lively feel to the template. The navigation is also a sticky one so they can jump from section to section directly. Other amenities include a slider, scrolling animations, skillbars, projects section, social icons and a working contact form.

Free Boostrap Resume Templates 2020


Kelly – Free Bootstrap CV Resume HTML Template

Kelly is a professional, clean, flexible and customizable Resume or CV theme / Templates , its great for everyone to showcase their online . It’s minimal and displays your information in style and professional looks .Built with clean and modern HTML5 + CSS3 code, it is easy to customize.

Free Boostrap Resume Templates 2020


Best Free Creative Resume Template

If you are a creative professional, then this is an excellent resume template worth consideration. Another black and white design style, the design focuses on simplicity and minimalism with a lot of white spaces.Its suits a professional designer or developer in IT or any other industry, such as web designer, web developer, UX/UI Developer, Programmer’s portfolio .

Free Boostrap Resume Templates 2020